Podcast obsessed 

I have a new obsession. Podcasts. 

So, I started reading 100 days of Brave, (yes I know, again?!) I’ve really struggled to get through it and stay at it… 

right now I’m trying to find some bravery. 

Kind of like my dog has. As I am typing this my dog is literally jumping 3 feet in the air to try to get a towel off the dresser… and she actually knocked a bag of chocolates off it so, she might have had an alterior motive.. 

back to bravery, this whole mom thing is probably the most terrifying thing I’ve ever done. And let me tell you, I thought the scariest thing I would do is nursing school. I had some major days of doubt during nursing school. Night that I cried and cried saying there is no way I can do this. 

There were two different semesters that I went into the final exam not passing the class. I studied throughout the semester but it just takes some time for things to click for me. These instances were some of those things. I had some professors tell me “there is no way you can do this”. This specific professor told me I could just drop the class and take it in the summer, this happened to be the summer that I was going to Ecuador 🇪🇨 so that was NOT an option in my head. So I spend every day studying that material. Reading multiple different things to understand the material. Teaching it to my best friends who got it enough but I helped them see it in a different way. I needed a 90% on that final to pass the class. I ended up getting a 95% because I believed in myself and I wasn’t going to let anything stand in my way. 

To me that was brave. I could have just said ok I’m going to start over fresh next semester with a new slate. But I didn’t! Because I did not want to fail and give up on myself like that. 

Back to motherhood. Being a dog mom is great. I love my Prim. She is always so excited to see me and brings me so much happiness. But, she is a dog. I can go to the store and leave her at home and not think twice about it. But, now I’m thinking about this being a baby. Loading up baby, going to the store, unloading baby, getting inside. It’s just so much more than just a simple run to the store. I can tell you what, this girl isn’t going to be doing anymore under 5 item shopping at the grocery store. No way, we make a list! So unless we are going to target to walk and browse and get out of the house, you better believe grocery shopping will be done in full. 

Now, I love the grocery store! LOVE IT! Call me crazy! But I really do! When I turned 16 and could drive I was all about going to the grocery store for mom. So for me to run in an grab a few things now I totally don’t mind at all! So, I will be sad to miss out on frequent grocery shopping. Ya know, I think I’m even going to boycott it for a while and try out that pick up service! Because 1. Budget, and 2. My baby is coming in February. 1 load and unload is better than 2 of each in the winter. Then having to have a coat and then, ya know falling on ice or looking like Bambi. So yes it is decided, pick up groceries it is! 

So, back to 100 days of brave. I am back on this grind. And loving it. 

Let me share just a few things then I’ll tell you more about my podcast obsession. I promise all this ties in together y’all! 😁 

Update: Prim wanted a bone, which was on top of the dresser. So I gave it to her and now she is trying to bury it, but everywhere she goes she notices that I can see her so she is walking aimlessly around my room. The new hiding spot is in an empty 31 bag… good luck Prim. 

Last night’s reading was “you aren’t a mistake”. Annie explained that we make mistakes, we do things we aren’t proud of, but God made us on purpose. He has a plan. We don’t see that plan but there is a glorious plan out there for us. 

This baby of mine was very unplanned and unexpected. But God doesn’t make mistakes. God believes that this child needs to be here now. God believes that this child is suppose to have me as their mother. God has plans for me and trusts me enough to put a child in my life. And that to me feels pretty awesome. I’ve never thought this child was a mistake so don’t think that’s where I’m going. I questioned God’s timing. But this days devotional made me realize, this child needs to be born at this time now because he or she is not a mistake and God has big plans for this baby! And all I can do and be grateful and raise this baby to love Christ and love people. God chose me to have this baby. And it’s not a mistake. 

So, this book is by Annie F. Downs. I just love her writing. Reading it is like I’m sitting there talking to her. Tonight’s devotional started with her talking about what color she wants to paint her toes. Like this is a book friends! And that’s how she starts this day’s reading to lead into how our feet’s best purpose is to lead toward Christ! I just LOVE 💕 it!! 

So, podcast time! 

I looked up Annie F. Downs. And she has a podcast. It’s called That Sounds Fun. And it’s amazing! 

So I’ve only listened to about 4 of them. But, already I’ve found another author whose book I’m dying to read (Eat Cake. Be Brave, it is ordered and should be delivered tomorrow!) Melissa Radke is this woman’s name. And she is getting her own TV show. She is hilarious. I laughed and cried listening to her and Annie talk on the podcast episode.

The guy I listened to tonight on Annie’s podcast was Aaron Neiquist. And he was talking about this new way of Christianity. It’s not just something you believe. But being a Christian means you act on it you participate WITH Christ. I just think that is an awesome message! He went on to say that we have no control over what God decides to do but we can decide if we are going to be open to it, embrace it and take it on. Or we can be closed off to it. But why would you want to do that? God has some pretty awesome plan behind the things he does. Sometimes I hate the things that are happening in my life, but I trust that he has some purpose for it all happening right now… and all we can do it wait to figure out what that thing is that we are waiting for god to show us the sign “this is why you went through that”. 

I was getting so tired of listening to the same songs over and over. And I figured there has got to be something I can listen to. I’ve wanted to expand my faith. I try to read these books but I get home at 10pm to finally settle down only to leave at 8am the next morning 3 days a week. So I’m terrible at keeping up with these devotional things. But I’ve decided it’s ok! I can take my time. I can skip a day if I have a horrible headache and can’t read. God isn’t going to be mad that I didn’t stick to a strict reading habit. 

Now that I’ve accepted that I’m moving st my own pace and more motivated. 

So tonight I opened up Matthew 3. And came across one of my favorite verses. I wasn’t going to write this blog tonight but I saw this verse and it just got me fired up and I knew I had to get this all out before I could really relax and get to sleep! 

So Matthew 3:11 is “.. someone is coming soon who is greater than I am – so much greater that I am not worthy to be even his slave and carry his sandals” 

I just LOVE this! It gets me so fired up and excited! 🔥 

We have nothing that we can offer God to ever thank him enough for what he has done. We aren’t even worthy enough to carry something for him. 

But he LOVES us! He died for us. And this is the verse that I just can’t get over. 

It brings me back to what I was saying earlier! 

God is trusting me with one of his children. He is making this child just for me. I’m not worthy enough to have this honor. But I’m going to do the best I can. I’m going to be the mother to this child and I am so excited! 
This blog was totally all over the place. But I think that’s just how I am. I tend to start somewhere and I go off somewhere else. But I think that’s faith. I think walking the straight line is fake. Atleast it is to me. God is making my path curvy to show me different things to show me different people I can learn from. And I hope that you have a little encouragement from this and I totally hope you look into a podcast that interests you! And if you do please tell me what is is! I want to know other podcasts I can look into! Share with me your books you read as well, because I am going to try to stick to some books. 

Finish 100 days to brave (hopefully before baby comes, I’m on day 10 and I have 156 days until my due date) 

Eat Cake. Be Brave – Melissa Radke 

Girl was your face – can’t remember author but sooo many people are talking about this book! I believe it is also about bravery! 😉 

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