Boy mom. What?!

What a whirl wind of almost 2 years since I have written…

I’ve thought about it a million times and then just haven’t done it. But let’s get back into it!

So catch up- I got pregnant. Met the man of my dreams (out of order I know, but God has the best plans. We may not understand the order, we may be frustrated by the outcomes but his plans are ALWAYS better!). Had my sweet baby girl, making me a girl mom. Got engaged. Dove full spring into wedding planning while loving my new role as a mom. Started house hunting (that was a drag! Let’s plan a whole other post for that). Found a house. Bought a house! Moved into house. Home ownership is rough sometimes but totally awesome! Being in our own home is the best feeling ever. Got pregnant again! Found out I am going to be a boy mom now!

Holy Cow. We’ve known for over 24 hours now and I am still in shock and trying to figure out how I am going to be a boy mom!

When I was pregnant with Ady before I knew she was a girl I was totally convinced she was a boy! And I couldn’t find ANY cute boy clothes. Then I found out Ady was a girl. BAM I found a ton of cute boy stuff. But of course there was always cute girl stuff.

Now, I am in totally boy shopping mode. My heart is literally melting…. the dinosaurs, the fish, the trucks, AGH! So stinking cute!

Of course all the mom shirts always get me “my favorite snuggles are with mom” šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

My baby girl is just 13 months old right now and it’s such a fun age. She is starting to talk, no words yet but just blabbering and all I want to know is what she is trying to say! Today in the back of the car on the way home she is just talking away nothing in the world is stopping her. She is completely in love with her puppy. I was so worried about her and the dog when she was born but they were instant best friends. Now I hope that she and her brother are instant best friends too.

I’m at the point where i know she is getting bigger and with another one on the way things are going to change so much. So whenever she needs those extra cuddles at night before bed or throughout the night I’m giving in more and more instead of letting her get through it on her own. Knowing that she isn’t going to want me to hold her at night and rock her and sing to her is just a short road ahead. And knowing that her brother is going to need more of the holding at night.

Praying we figure out how to juggle two of them under 2, while both having full time jobs, & David in school full time.

God doesn’t give us anything we can’t handle, I truly believe that but sometimes I think he enjoys the comedy show he gets while watching us.

So here is to a girl mom becoming a boy mom too!

And welcome back!

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